CASE STUDY: Tcs (El Salvador)

Another important step in the growth of SI Media in the Latin American market has been the successfully installation in TCS (Telecorporation Salvadorena) in EL Salvador of a newsroom digital computer system for the three main studios of their channel, implemented and completed in a few weeks at the beginning of March 2014.

The system is composed by 3 studios, each one with a MediaNewsPlay to put on-air the rundowns created in MediaNews. At the moment 50 MediaNews Client licenses have been activated for the journalists.

All the MediaNewsPlay istances run in 64-Bit, one channel in SD, one with one output in HD and the main with two outputs in HD.

The three newsrooms share the same central archive (Terrablock), Lacie as deep archive and also the same SQL central database engine.  Nevertheless, the 3 environments, thanks to the user right management which rules the access to the contents, are completely independent as required by the customer.

SI Media MediaAssetManagement manages the import of contents from the Nle system (which uses Final Cut Pro X) and also directly from XDCam cards, and the transfers among the different storages (central archive, deep archive and news playout servers) in the workflow.

Via Mos protocol SI Media controls also 3 teleprompters SAM VAD, Chyron Lyric and Title One Inscriber as Logo Generator.

Workflow TCS 2