INTERVIEW: Mr Raul Dominguez Martin (Production Manager-TCS)

Telecorporation Salvadurena (TCS) has been a key project for SI Media in this 2014 in the Caribbean Area. To know something more about the details of the installation, we’ve asked Raul Dominguez Martin (Gerente de Producciòn in TCS), to answer to the following questions:

1)    Which were the key-issues and the main challenges of the project, which brought you to contact SI Media?

First of all our workflow is composed by three independent channels (2, 4 and 6), with three independent newsrooms. What we had looked for was a common shared platform which allowed us to optimize as much as possible the available resources, keeping the different environments of the three studios independent of one another. SI Media was able to provide it and to build a system that fully faces our needs. In fact the three channels share the same SQL database engine (so 1 MAM engine and 1 NRCS engine), the same central archive, but, managing user rights and virtual paths, they were able at the same time to create 3 NRCS environments completely independent.

2)    Were there other peculiarities in your workflow or particular requirements that SI Media software solutions had to fulfill?

Well, the three channels work two in HD and one in SD, so for sure we wanted a software + hardware solution that could handle a mixed workflow. Then we need to be very flexible and ready to adapt our structure (and of course our workflow) in case of big events such as World Cup, Olympic Games… Again SI Media fulfilled all our needs, thanks also to the flexibility and reliability of SI Media software + AJA-boards IT solution.

3)    Which have been the major benefits you’ve gained choosing to contact SI Media to implement the system?

The new system has allowed us to include all the different steps of our channel in an integrated flow. SI Media interfaced via MOS our 3 Teleprompters (which come from 3 different vendors), the character and logo generators. They’ve included in the workflow the NLE Final Cut Pro system and the direct import of contents from XD Cam cards. All these procedures have been made during the installation and implemented by SI Media operators here on-site.

4)    What about the very delicate phase after the finishing of the installation?

In this period SI Media support department has given us all the help we needed, solving all the small issues that are natural part of the starting process, helping our operators and our journalists to get more used to the software interface and being always ready to receive our further requests and customizations.