
SI Media announces Media Switcher, your solution for IP ROUTING!

The latest exhibitions and market trends have shown once again that the future of the broadcast industry is the IP. SI Media has been one of the first software houses to present and end-to-end solution (ingest to automation playout) based on the Cloud, and, in order to make this solution even more comprehensive, recently the suite has been enhanced with MediaSwitcher, SI Media IP Router.

Media Switcher represents the core of a broadcast IP-based infrastructure, delivering a centralized directory for securing high volumes of programming streams. Fully and natively integrated with all SI Media software modules, it can also be used as a standalone system.

Available in different sizes, scalable up to 64 X 64 configuration, MediaSwitcher supports a wide set of formats, Single or Multi-program TS, RTP/UDP/RTPM, Unicast/multicast.

Among the several add-ons, MediaSwitcher allows to:

-upscaledownscale incoming signals

-convert PAL tofrom NTSC

-control Router via BlackMagic Protocol

-control Router via rest API

-use desktop as alternative source for the router

Nuovo 2