Case Study : ANTENNA 3 NORDEST (Italy)

In these days SI Media has successfully completed the migration to a complete IT AJA-based environment at Antenna 3 Nordest, one of the biggest broadcasters in the north part of Italy.

The old BMC SeaChange video-servers have been replaced by a solution fully based on AJA-Corvid 22 boards, without losing a single frame on-air. The migration involved the 10 main automation channels, the 4 backups (two of them working in 1:1 mode, the third in 1:3 and the fourth in 1:4) and the 2 ingest channels.  This upgrade of the workflow gives much more flexibility to the customer, who now does not have to transcode all the incoming contents in .SAF format in order to be played by the video-server.

The IT solution with SI Media automation software MediaPlay guarantees a multi-format environment, and thanks to this, the base band ingest needed has substantially decreased (from 4 to 2 dedicated servers).

In the next future the customer estimates that the 90% of the contents will come from file ingest, with a huge improvement of the speed of the tasks and the flexibility of the whole workflow.

At this moment most of the contents is still in .SAF (which can be played without any problems with AJA Boards), and the next step will be a normalization of all the incoming contents in Mpeg2, 12 MB/s (SD).