CASE STUDY : Canale Italia

Recently SI Media has completed the installation and configuration of the 22nd and 23rd automation channel at Canale Italia, Padova (Italy).

Canale Italia is one of the biggest broadcasters in Italy, with almost 30 years of history, born as a regional television in the north east of Italy and grown to become a national channel.

It has been one of the most important SI Media’s customers for a long time, expanding its platform from traffic to automation, ingest, streaming and EPG generation.

Currently SI Media manages the biggest Sea Change (now Xor Media) video server in Europe, with 23 main automation channels, 2 backup channels and 5 ingest channels.

All the automation channels are monitored in the Master Control Room from a single huge display thanks to MediaViewer.

The traffic and sales department arrange the daily and advertising playlist using MediaList, while MediaRec controls the dedicated SeaChange encoders to ingest the sources configured in the Quartz AV Router by MediaDevice Manager.

In the last years, SI Media has enhanced and completed the automation platform providing software solution for streaming and EPG generation.

MediaStream allows to stream the contents aired by MediaPlay in order to create a 24/7 streaming channel or a Video on Demand (defining from traffic interface which events have to be streamed).

Also the EPG generation is handled by the dedicated SI Media’s module.
