CASE STUDY: Non Stop People TV (Madrid)

Non Stop People TV, the Spanish television channel of Movistar based in Madrid, chose SI Media for the implementation of its working structure. The entire workflow is managed with SI Media modules: the system includes Automation, Traffic, NRCS, Ingest and MAM.

The installation has been carried out with the well-known Spanish System Integrator BGL Audiovisual and the Si-Media Spanish Distributor Xeltec Video, that worked side by side with our technicians to provide a complete solution in a very short time.

The system, in HD, is working on Supermicro machines, 3 dedicated to the MAM suite with the Proxy generator and the Transcoder, 1+1 to the Automation Playout, 1 to the News Playout Automation, 1 for the Base-Band Ingest and 1 for the Digital Logger; moreover each Playout is equipped with related Graphic Generator machine. Below the complete workflow:



Besides the already mentioned parts of the workflow, one of the key point that led to the complete automation of the system has been the integration of an A/V Router Nevion 16×16 with our MediaDevice (at the moment SI Media counts more than 350 integrated devices); in addition through our Mos Gateway SI Media interfaced a TVPROMPT prompter for the studio control room that is the core of this television channel since during the day they produce lots of news editions and live shows. The Journalists using MediaNewsClient are more than 60, with 25 concurrent users thanks to the floating licenses. The application is completely integrated with Adobe Premiere thanks to  EDL export tool embedded in MediaStore Client, giving the possibility to manage the creation, the edition and the delivery of each story.