CASE STUDY: San Marino Rtv – ODA integration

San Marino Rtv is the national public broadcaster of San Marino’s Republic.

It has been founded in 1991, through an international agreement between RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) and ERAS Ente for the Radio transmission of San Marino, and it broadcasts on the terrestrial digital 4, channels 73, 88, 93, 95.

It broadcasts also via satellite to SKY (ch 520) and TVSat (ch 73).

Besides the generalist programming of the main channel, San Marino Rtv broadcasts 2 mono thematic programme schedules dedicated to Sports and archival material. The production center is situated in an exclusive building of the Republic, the Kursaal.

Almost two years ago, San Marino Rtv has chosen as unique provider for the management of Traffic, Newsroom Computer System and MAM, SI Media software solution.

After this period of successful cooperation, San Marino Rtv is now implementing the expansion of its archive system, in order to increase the available space for the huge tape archive composed by historical contents, which are going to be digitalized.

We’re talking about more than 20.000 hours which will be digitalized from tapes and then managed by SI Media MAM.

In addition to this, San Marino Rtv decided to include in its workflow, as cold archive, an Optical Disk Archive (ODA) Sony device, and asked SI Media to provide the integration with the existing architecture.

San Marino Tv - Workflow MAM 2

ODA technology has been fully integrated and now SI Media is able to provide all the features available in its own developed HSM, such as the manual and automatic archiverestore (with possibility to define multiple rules in MediaStore Manager), compaction, integrity check and time-code based partial restore.

At the moment the MAM is handling and automating the transfers between the already present Nearline Archive, the Deep Archive (both provided by Hitachi and based on HUS-110 systems) and Online Archives (local caches in ingest and playout servers).

From Nearline operators select manually which contents the want to archive, and the cleaning up of the archive is automated through a list of rules set in SI Media workflow manager.

In this way the usage of Central Archive space is always kept under control, but the increasing volume of contents pushed the customer to expand the already existing Disk-Based Deep Archive from 70TB to 170TB.

On the other side, the customer needed also to add a Sony ODA as Second Deep Archive, in order to physically archive part of the contents on cartridges ODC1500R of 1,5Tbyte (non-rewritable).

The client chose ODS-L100E (expansion of ODS-L30).  Among the advantages of this technology there is the possibility to extract single cartridges and substitute them with blank ones, so that the available space is never filled.