CASE STUDY : TCS (El Salvador) – Phase 2

SI Media and TCS (Telecorporación Salvadoreña) went further with their partnership in the last moths: after the first step in 2014, when SI Media provided its NRCS for managing the 3 studios of TCS (with 50 MediaNews Client licenses for the journalists), between the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 a complete automation system was implemented in the central site in San Salvador (El Salvador).

 TCS needed to automate the playout 24/7 for its 3 channels in HD, adding also a brand new channel and the broadcast of Tigo Sport for the entire region. Given this, the installation comprises 5 MediaPlay that air Ch.2 – Ch.4 – Ch.6 – TCS Mix and Tigo Sport, with the hot-swap backup servers in a 5:2 configuration. The whole system is based on IT-servers using AJA boards.

 The playlists are generated with MediaList, the SI Media traffic system, and this allows to manage in details each event: the switching commands and the secondary events can be scheduled in advance, and also the rights for each content related to a deal are administered through MediaList.

 Workflow TCS SECOND SITE Ver 1.0

SI Media has integrated a Blackmagik 288×288 A/V Router to manage automatically all the sources, feeds from satellites, studios, cameras from the Master Control Room with the MediaDevice; the graphic generators are provided by SI Media as well, with a MediaCG engine dedicated to each output channel.

 On the other side, with 5 MediaRec Servers managing 2 input channels each, TCS has its automated base-band ingest suite, fundamental for archiving and reusing all the production of live events that makes this broadcast a point of reference for all the broadcasters in Central America, and not only. Another key point related to this has been the possibility to digitalize the huge archive of historical material that TCS owns in tape.

 Moreover, to offer the best solution possible, the automation system has a dedicated Media Asset Management engine that includes also a MediaStore QualityCheck to verify the new incoming contents, and is interconnected with the previous system installed by SI Media.