Case Study : THE FIRST OF YAROSLAVL (Russia)

In the beginning of 2014, SI Media has completed a great project in Yaroslavl (Russia), at Первый Ярославский, the main channel of the Oblast region, together with our partner and systems integrator Global Systems.

For this installation SI Media provided a complete end-to-end solution IT-based with AJA Boards both for the automation system and for the production play-out.

The system is composed by 9 servers and several workstations for newsroom (25 MediaNews Client licenses) and traffic:

-MediaDevice, with the SQL Database Main, the devices controller (A/V Router, Master Control) and the MediaLinker to import the advertising playlist from VideoInternational

-MediaArchive, with the media asset management platform, he SQL Database Backup and the central NAS attached

-MediaProxy, with proxy and transcoder engine to generate low-res copy of each asset that enters the system (in MP4) and to transcode the contents that have to be uploaded to Youtube in the proper profile

-MediaPlay for main automation channel management with AJA Corvid-22

-MediaPlayBK for backup automation channel management with AJA Corvid-22

-MediaCG1 and MediaCG2 for channel branding and character generator, one dedicated to the automation system and one to the production play-out

-MediaNewsPlay for the production play-out (the airing of the rundowns coming from MediaNews), equipped with AJA Corvid-22

-MediaRec for the automated base band ingest from any source (satellites, studios, live feeds..) available as inputs in the A/V Router


Currently there are 25 active MediaNews client and 15 MediaList (for daily playlist management) and MediaSpot (for advertising playlist and pre-billing management) client in the system.

In this project we have implemented several customizations. First of all we have automated the import of the advertising playlist (coming from an external agency VideoInternational) in MediaList.

This import allows on one side to merge the incoming list with the daily playlist created with MediaList, while the MediaStore takes in charge the automatic matching of the list of contents present in the .xls list with the real assets that are present in the central archive.

Regarding video formats, we’ve created a multi-format  platform that at the moment manages: (AVI, MPG, MPEG, MOV, MP4) as video; (MP3,WMA, WAV) as audio; (JPG, GIF, BMP) as images.

We also implemented,  in order to create the graphics project for the MorningShow (the main program of their schedule) , the retrieval of several data from GIS Meteo web-site that allows the automatic update of weather forecast in real-time (with animated sequences, images, info about temperature, wind and so on).

Also their Youtube channel has completely been integrated in the media asset management system, allowing also the journalists to upload contents directly from MediaNews interface (selecting a specific title and abstract).