INTERVIEW : Cristiano Brion, SI Media Project Manager


Cristiano, 2018 is about to end, how would you summarize it, mostly referring to the delivered projects?

This closing year has been the harbinger of several interesting projects. As project manager, I had the chance to personally follow many of them. I’ve started in January, with a trip to Benin to upgrade the automation system of the national television ORTB. Then in March I’ve proceeded with a new installation (for MCR and NRCS) in Panama at HosannaTV. In May, we’ve started the major onsite installation of the biggest project ever delivered by SI Media, the end-to-end workflow (automation, NRCS, MAM) of the national television of Uzbekistan, NTRK (Tashkent). The onsite installation was the second stage of a process begun at the end of 2017 with the remote installation and configuration in Mainz, at BFE (our partner and systems integrator for this project).Between July and August, I’ve followed an important installation in Italy, namely the fusion of Telereggio and TRC Modena, historical broadcasters from Emilia Romagna. Last but not least, in November a new and important trip as project manager, this time to TBC, the national broadcaster of Tanzania.

A real “tour de force”, around 4 continents.

Which are the feelings you get exporting all over the world a fully Italian brand?

Bringing our products and our vision to so many different countries and cultures… it is a great feeling. Personally I always try to establish professional and human relations as well, and this has always allowed me to face the challenges with awareness. Having a good relation with the customer ensures cooperation and respect when it’s time to face the unavoidable issues that our market present every day.

Before you have introduced the topic of the systems integrator. I assume you do not work alone usually. How are the relations with your partners?

Regarding partners, it is extremely important to cooperate at best to reach a common goal, trying to pursue it sharing our wealth of experience, improving and optimizing all the processes of the deployment of a system. We at SI Media provide complex and comprehensive workflows, which makes extremely important to have lasting and satisfying relations with our partners.

Changing topic, it’s never easy to stay abroad so often and for so long…

I would say that after 20 years in this business I’ve found my balance. It’s still not easy and sometimes stressful. However the possibility to have a job that brings me around the world, meeting new people and seeing new places, it’s worth. Following a project and successfully completing its delivery is still, as the first day,  a great satisfaction that I can bring with joy to my private life as well.

What about the next challenges?

Personally, keeping improving my skills to follow the new projects with more and more technological know-how. From SI Media’s side, expand the range of solutions for our customers, especially towards the cloud and the web.

Lavori in corso a NTRK                                                               SI Media working in Mainz with BFE for Mtrk (Uzbekistan)