INTERVIEW: Mr. Paolo Favaro, SI Media Pre-Sales Manager for APAC


SI Media is becoming more and more present on the Asiatic market,

thanks to some challenging solutions we are deploying in this area.

Mr. Paolo Favaro speaks about that into the microphones of InBroadcast,

at the most attended international event for the pro-audio, film and broadcasting industry.


Are there any projects that you are working on, here in Asia?

Basically SI Media approaches this market five years ago, establishing the first branch here in Singapore and from here we follow all the area. In this period we have done many projects. For example, at Singtel we are providing a full Automation solution for 8 channels. We have deployed many important projects also in Japan and in Malaysia, as Aruji (16 channels system with full redundancy), MediaPrima (4 complete studios, NRCS, MAM, Playout) and Telecom Malaysia (playout and AD Insertion), and many more regarding all our software solutions, so from the Traffic to the Newsroom. We hope that these projects can be a window to enter also new markets, like Vietnam, Hong Kong and Indonesia, that we are now approaching and where want to be more present.

What are you especially showcasing at this year exhibition?

First of all, we want to show that we are able to provide end-to-end-solutions. We are a software house, and we cover all the content workflow, from the ingest to the delivery; so we have applications for Media Asset Management, Newsroom, Traffic, Automation and Graphics in a turnkey platform. This year and in particular at BroadcastAsia we are promoting and releasing the brand new NewsRoom Computer System. Actually it has been a huge success for us because exactly in this period we are deploying a huge system at MediaPrima, close to here in Kuala Lumpur; we are just providing now a solution for four complete studios, that means News Playout, Newsroom Compute System, Media Asset Management, for more than 600 users.

What challenges do you have to overcome to do this?

It has been a huge challenge but also a huge success for SI Media. As I told you, we have already done many other projects in this area but we can say that this can be our reference as main entrance to the market. Of course each market has different requirements, so even if the product is good enough to enter any market, obviously each one has different formats, different users and habits using the software. Our solutions are absolutely flexible and customizable so when we sit with the customer at the beginning, especially big customers like this example of Media Prima, we want to better meet its needs and this is what we do all the time and all over the world.

What can we expect for the future for SI Media?

Following of course what is coming from the market, the integration with Social Media in the Newsroom, which we have already included but it is going to be the most important asset in the future in terms of analysis of data, reports, exchange data, for data analysis about the viewers and the targets we want to reach. This is for sure a direction. On the Automation side of course Cloud Playout for us is already a reality but it’s something that is going to e a major need in the future,

Watch the Video Interview.