Media Asset Management
YES!MAM is Media Asset Management. This solution has a unique web-based UI and it is composed by a set of microservices deployed in Docker containers.
It is designed to be the core of your workflow, from ingest to delivery of any content in any format, and can be entirely virtualized in the cloud.
YES!MAM is composed by several modules that manage multi-format contents (multimedia assets, documents and third party software projects) in a deeply integrated and fully customizable workflow. With a long history of 3rd party technology integration: storages, tape libraries, optical libraries, NLE systems and video-servers, this comprehensive Media Asset Management solution is the perfect bridge among the different systems and devices that are part of your system.
With our file-based quality check YES!QC and native transcoder YES!Coder we monitor the file-ingest and the live-feed recording processes and ensure that video and audio contents complie to your desired standards. And, depending on the final destination, we enable transcoding content from any format to any format, (video-servers, NLE systems, web and mobile platforms, ftp servers, social media platforms).
YES!MAM is fully integrated with production and the variety of professional NLE systems. A dedicated HTML5 Panel is available for Adobe Premiere Pro, GVG Edius, and BlackMagic DaVinciResolve and supports import/export XML (EDL) with the other major brands (Avid Media Composer, Apple FCP, Sony Vegas). Also available is our own browser based proxy-editor with advanced features.
The SI Media HSM module YES!HSM provides seamless integration with the major LTO tape-based libraries (Spectralogic, Quantum, HP, Qualstar, IBM) as well as Sony ODA (optical disk archives).
Our HTML5-based client application allows easy organization and cataloguing of content from any archive. Search among assets, display results, browse the low-res material automatically generated by the embedded proxy engine, edit and customize any metadata.
YES!MAM fully supports Artificial Intelligence processing and cataloguing content (generating and automatically associating any kind of metadata), performs speech to text (converting spoken video recordings into readable and editable text) and language translation, and provides visual analysis (for instance, recognizing explicit content).
It also provides a comprehensive set of reports, big data analysis over unlimited statistical parameters.
Finally, the workflow manager allows definition and management of workflows via Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), ensuring the possibility to configure processes outside SI Media’s system, making the workflow even more integrated and extremely flexible.
Web-based UI and Cloud native
Multi-platform and multi-database
Advanced searches based on Elastic-Search
Plug-In available for Premiere, Edius and DaVinci Resolve
Embedded advanced proxy editor
Embedded AI for Face recognition, Speech to text and Content moderation
Advanced Workflow editor (based on BPMN)
Embedded HSM to control LTO and ODA libraries