R&D FOCUS: Facilis Integration

During the successful installation at TCS (Telecorporation Salvadurena) in El Salvador, SI Media has integrated as central storage of the system Terrablock by Facilis.

Facilis Technology is a company launched in 2003 with a vision to bring affordable, advanced shared storage to post production and content creation professionals working in media and entertainment. Over the past ten years, the company has evolved into an industry-leading provider of cost-effective, high performance shared storage systems and dynamic workflow solutions for the film and broadcast post production markets.

The company’s world-class technical support and meticulous in-house integration of each turnkey solution have earned Facilis a loyal customer base and esteemed reputation in the industry. Its consultative selling process ensures that all Facilis solutions will fit seamlessly into facility environments of all shapes and sizes and provide unmatched stability for years of uninterrupted production.

These are the reasons why SI Media decided to move forward with this partnership, also for future projects.

In this regard this is what Mr James McKenna, Marketing and Pre-Sales manager at Facilis, reported to SI Media:

“We at Facilis Technology are happy that SI-MEDIA has certified TerraBlock for use with their Ingest, MAM and Archive products that combine to create a complete end-to-end broadcast workflow. The automated workflows that are available to users of SI-MEDIA will now benefit from high-performance shared storage with the ease-of-use and reliability for which Facilis products are known.”

Workflow facilis