The MediaPlay user client interface has been significantly renewed in these last months, in order to ensure to users the possibility to customize all the objects available in the software application creating their own interface.

SI Media automation software MediaPlay, thanks to years of experience and growth in the market, is known all over the world for its reliability, flexibility and scalability.

Lately the development of this application has been focused on the realization of the brand new graphics interface.

The purpose was to allow each operator, logging into MediaPlay with his credentials, to create his own homepage, placing all the elements in the preferable order and position.

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User can also select the background color, the list of metadata present in the playlist, the functions to enable (maybe the operator wants to avoid some operations and prefer to remove the tools from the bar for safety), using at will the display.

This client interface is perfect to manage more channels in the same screen, and most of all, to control remotely the automation servers with no need of kvm cables.